Long time didn't go watch movie with my parents dy!hmm..i think have 1 month ago lor.!hmm..and this day we watched Men Suddenly In Love 猛男滾死隊 at Tropicana City.!this is a Comedy movie,freaking funny!
Five graduates from different years come together to celebrate their secondary school teacher Master Jude's 80-year-old birthday. This includes York, the ever protesting committee member; Claude, the award-winning movie star; Sam, the gynaecologist; Keith, the feng-shui master and Charlie, the dance instructor. Master Jude is a happy-go-lucky bachelor who enlightened them on the matters of relationship and sex during their school days. Since all of the five men have marital problems, this is a good time for them to meet and share their grievances together. 五個於同一中學不同年份畢業、各有發展的校友:愛抗議的委員吳郁仁(曾志偉 飾);得獎無數的影帝張秋雲(詹瑞文 飾);當婦科醫生的傅武琛(王晶 飾);玄學大師司徒奇峯(杜汶澤 飾)跟拉丁舞導師查(狄達 飾),一起為敬愛的中學恩師朱導師(吳耀漢 飾)慶祝80歲生日。朱導師為人開朗,在中學時可算是他們的性啟蒙導師,但80歲仍是獨身;五人的婚姻生活又各有奇難雜症,所以想在這一次聚會中大家傾吐苦水。
在慶祝的酒店中他們遇上五個年青貌美、性格極端的模特兒:開放大膽的Tina(周秀娜 飾);電影狂迷Audrey(徐自賢 飾);崇拜死亡的倪險(朱裕琳 飾);經常被鬼上身的小倩(楊梓瑤 飾),和只有15歲11個月但經常想破處的Eleven(江怡 飾)。五人被五個女孩的青春氣息吸引,一一出軌;朱導師也在五?熱情下心臟病發,最終鼓勵五人追求快樂!
五男於是組成「猛男特攻隊」與五?繼續偷情,但被郁仁的妻子玉卿(張可頤 飾)發現,與傅妻(陳法蓉 飾)、司徒妻(麥玲玲 飾)、查妻(庄思敏 飾)、秋雲妻(楊詩敏 飾)等布下天羅地網要查出姦情,五男十女於是展開比諜戰更諜戰的奇謀妙計,誓要在這場男女角力中成為勝者!
And this the way the Director Wang Jing started his movie.!10个男人10个滚,出得来滚要有品!!